4/24 体験セーリング  東京校で開催しました。


お一人は、次週から当ヨットスクールの講習が始まります。若夫婦は、3歳のお嬢ちゃんも乗せてあげたい! と、すっかり気に入っていただけた様子でした。 (あ)

2 コメントあり 4/24 体験セーリング  東京校で開催しました。

  1. Hi Guys, It was a fun “taiken” course that day with 2 other participants. It was a lovely afternoon with enough wind that day, to have a feel on what sailing is about. It was a short “trial” but enough to motivate in taking up courses at Aoki School!!!

    I have since then taken the 1st basic course, SBD and got through the course, certified! I am now a proud member of ASA and have my log bog well in place.
    I am going on for a full course all the way to OPM certification and to secure a License!!

    I am hopeful to be able to accomplish this before the next winter starts! It would be by then too cold to be out in the open seas!!!….but right now..its sun and great warm sailing days ahead!

    Thanks to Instructor Anzai san for his splendid care in taking us out for a field experience … sailing!!! I am certain that there are many more of a sailor’s stories to share!!!…

    Cheers! Tim

    • Hi, Tim-san.

      Thank you for having already taken a lecture on a SBD school and being peevish.
      Please study safe sailing for your purpose.

      Let’s meet the sea ! (Anz)

安斎 キャンセル

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