11/27-29 BCC @ Osaka Bay

BCC was held at Osaka Bay with 2 foreign students. BCC builds a skill for few days safe day-sailing.

Day 1 (Tajiri ~ Kada / SW 3-4kn) A 30ft sloop yacht “Eagle” sailed for 3.5 hours with a full main and a genoa assisted by engine power for whole leg due to very light wind.

Day 2 (Kada ~ Tsuna / NW 10-14kn) The Eagle sailed for 7 hours (2 hours with engine power) with a 1pt reef main and a regular jib mostly on close-hold. The learning points for the day are to pass through Yura Seto Strait from south to north going against peak strong current and pay attention to large ships on the busy sea route.

Day 3 (Tsuna ~ Tajiri / WNW 10-14kn) The Eagle sailed for 6 hours with a full main, a regular jib and a spinnaker mostly on running.

Basic sailing skills such as tacking, jiving, heading up, bearing away as well as essential seamanship such as navigation, MOB, heave-to and stern anchor mooring with anchor weight, have been repeatedly trained whole through the course.

The final exam was cleared by 2 students successfully, congratulation!! We are looking forward to sharing our time at next CON and BBC. (michi)


修了テストも無事パスされました、おめでとうございます!! 今回の航海で学んだスキルをさらに充実させるべく次のコースCON、BBCでお会いしましょう。(みち)

2 コメントあり 11/27-29 BCC @ Osaka Bay

  1. Michi-sensei,
    Thanks so much for the great training during the BCC course! It was great to review the basics as well as learn many new concepts and advanced techniques for sailing and navigation!


    • Nick san,
      Thank you for your comment. I am very sure that you have developed your capability in sailing through BCC. Yes, see you soon again at CON and BBC. (michi)

Nick キャンセル

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